
A minimal blog on the building blocks of ethereum & cryptographic primitives

09 Jul 2023

Abstract Algebra 101

Hierarchical Relationship and Properties:

  1. Group:

    • A set with an associative binary operation and an identity element.
    • Closure property, inverse element existence.
  2. Ring (superset of Group):

    • A set with two operations (addition and multiplication) that follow specific rules.
    • Closure property, associativity, identity elements, inverses (for addition).
    • Examples: Integers under addition, matrix addition.
  3. Field (superset of Ring):

    • A set where addition and multiplication are defined with specific rules.
    • Closure property, associativity, identity elements, inverses (for both addition and multiplication).
    • Examples: Rational numbers, real numbers.
  4. Prime Field (subset of Field):

    • A field with the fewest possible elements.
    • Examples: Prime numbers under modular arithmetic.
  5. Galois Field (subset of Field):

    • A finite field with a prime power number of elements.
    • Examples: Binary finite fields (GF(2^m)) used in error detection/correction.
  6. Quotient Ring (superset of Ring):

    • A ring formed by taking a ring and considering equivalence classes.
    • Examples: Integers modulo n (Z/nZ).
  7. Ideal (subset of Ring):

    • A subset of a ring that satisfies specific properties.
    • Examples: The set of multiples of a fixed integer in Z.
  8. Integral Domain (subset of Ring):

    • A commutative ring without zero divisors.
    • Examples: Integers, polynomial rings.

Real-World Examples:

  1. Group: A football team with a captain (identity element) and various players (group members) forming a cohesive unit.

  2. Ring: The addition and multiplication of matrices used in computer graphics to transform and combine images.

  3. Field: The rational numbers used in financial calculations to represent fractional values.

  4. Prime Field: Modular arithmetic used in cryptography, such as RSA encryption.

  5. Galois Field: Binary finite fields used in digital communication systems to ensure error-free data transmission.

  6. Quotient Ring: Clock arithmetic where time wraps around after 12 hours.

  7. Ideal: The set of all multiples of a certain number (e.g., 3, 6, 9) in the integers.

  8. Integral Domain: Polynomial rings used in coding theory to correct errors in data transmission.

Real-World Scenarios:

  1. Group: Teamwork in a business environment, where collaboration and cooperation lead to more efficient outcomes.

  2. Ring: Image processing algorithms that enhance and manipulate digital images for various applications like medical imaging.

  3. Field: Financial transactions involving fractions of a currency, such as calculating interest rates or dividing assets.

  4. Prime Field: Cryptography systems that encrypt sensitive information, protecting it from unauthorized access.

  5. Galois Field: Wireless communication systems that employ error-correcting codes to ensure reliable transmission in noisy channels.

  6. Quotient Ring: Timekeeping systems, where the division of time into intervals helps in scheduling and organizing activities.

  7. Ideal: Modular arithmetic used in computer science for hashing functions or generating unique identifiers.

  8. Integral Domain: Data encoding and error detection/correction mechanisms in digital storage systems or network protocols.